The Real Reason YouTubers Obsess Over Likes and Subscribes

By Mark Brinker 
Updated: February 6, 2024

By Mark Brinker  /  Updated: February 6, 2024

The Real Reason YouTubers Obsess Over Likes and Subscribes

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We hear it nearly every time we watch a YouTube video:

"Don't forget to Like and Subscribe!"

Now, be honest, you've probably asked yourself ...

"Are YouTubers just craving validation with their constant requests for likes and subscribes, or is there a method behind the madness?"

Turns out, likes and subscribes and comments DO actually contribute to the success of a YouTube channel.

Here's how it works ...

It's all about the YouTube algorithm

The goal of the YouTube algorithm is to deliver the most engaging, relevant, and personalized content to each user ... to keep them on the platform as long as possible.

But why exactly does YouTube not want users to leave?

  • Ad revenue. The longer viewers stay on the platform, the more ads they watch, which increases ad revenue for YouTube and its content creators.
  • User data. Watching more videos allows YouTube to gather more data on user preferences and behavior, which further refines the algorithm.

However, to keep viewers on their platform, YouTube needs to show them videos they're likely to enjoy and engage with.

To do this, YouTube analyzes a MASSIVE amount of data, including what videos are watched, for how long, and (drumroll, please) the viewer's interaction with the content (i.e. likes, subscribes, comments, shares).

How YouTube content creators succeed

For most YouTube creators, success means increased visibility on YouTube — which then leads to more views, a bigger audience, and potentially more revenue.

First and foremost, to have ANY chance of succeeding on YouTube, a YouTube creator must produce high-quality videos. That's a given. Don't pass go, don't collect $200.

But assuming a YouTube creator is indeed publishing high-quality videos, one of the ways to get their video shown to more people is to demonstrate to YouTube's algorithm that people enjoy their video and that YouTube should show their  video to more people.

So, then the question becomes ...

How do you get the attention of the YouTube algorithm?

By sending it signals.

Remember, the whole reason why the YouTube algorithm even exists is to deal with the enormous volume of video content on YouTube.

With over 500 HOURS of new video uploaded to YouTube every MINUTE, it's impossible for humans to keep up. So you have to have an automated system.

But because the YouTube algorithm is a computer program, the way it determines what videos people enjoy and want to see more of, is by monitoring observable, measurable data.

Here's a summary of those observable, measurable data points and why they matter:

1. Likes (thumbs up)

  • Engagement indicator. Likes are a direct measure of viewer engagement. They indicate that viewers appreciate the content, telling the YouTube algorithm to favor that video in search results and recommendations.

2. Subscriptions

  • Audience base. Subscribers are people that enjoy a channel's content and want to be notified by YouTube when that channel publish new videos. A high subscriber count signals to YouTube that a particular channel consistently produces content that people want to see.


  • User engagement. High comment activity signals to YouTube that the content is engaging and sparks conversation, prompting the YouTube algorithm to favor the video and keep the conversation going.

4. Watch time and retention

  • "Watch time" is the total amount of time viewers spend watching a creator's videos and "retention" is the percentage of their videos people watch before they bail. High watch time and high retention rates signal to the YouTube algorithm that a video is engaging and valuable, leading to better promotion in YouTube's recommendations and search results.


  • When viewers share videos, obviously it increases the video's reach. But it also signals to YouTube's algorithm that the content is valuable and worth spreading.

Being proactive matters!

In 2023, TubeBuddy (whose YouTube channel has nearly 800,000 subscribers)  conducted an internal study to test the effect of asking YouTube viewers to subscribe to their channel versus not asking. They discovered that even just a simple, non-pushy ask DOUBLED their subscriber count. Another reminder that sometimes people need just a gentle nudge to get them to take action. 🙂


Creating high-quality YouTube videos takes a ton of time and effort. 

Certainly, YouTube creators hope that you enjoy their content. But what they're really after is increased visibility on YouTube.

And the way to increased visibility is getting the attention of the YouTube algorithm with viewers’ help.

Now you know the reason why YouTube content creators ask you to like, subscribe, comment and share.

About the Author

Mark Brinker is president of Mark Brinker & Associates — a business website design and development firm in Sterling Heights, MI. He's the author of "The Modern Website Makeover", which you can download free here. You're also invited to Mark's NEW (and FREE!) "Boost Your Brand" video challenge and you can sign up here.

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